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A5 — Spät-Europa

Asmus Tietchens und das Zeitzeichenorchester (AT)
Sky Records • Sky 070 • Germany 1982

Bureau B • BB142 • Germany 2013 (reissue)
500 copies each, new booklet

Die Stadt • DS 68 • Germany 2004
First edition of 40 copies (misprinted)
Second edition of 1.000 copies • Part III of the Rerelease series

01 Spät-Europa 2’08“
02 Frautod Grafitto 2’05“
03 Mythos und Gummibärchen 2’32“
04 Lourdes Extra 2’08“
05 Poanpo 2’09“
06 Nervenfalle 2’07“
07 Größenwarnung 2’06“
08 Bescheidenes Vergnügen 2’29“
09 Schöne Dritte Welt 1’57“
10 Herrmannstrohm 2’04“
11 Erloschene Herzen 2’07“
12 Endspannung 2’04“
13 Betablocker 2’13“
14 Tretboot zum Schafott 2’12“
15 Ausverkauf 2’13“
16 Bockwurst à la Maitresse 2’06“
17 Passaukontrolle 2’05“
18 Wein aus Wien 2’24“
19 Stille Häfen 2’17“
20 Epitaph 1’48“
21 Soirée 2’52“ CD-Bonus
22 Zum Tee bei Frau Hilde 2’37“ CD-Bonus

Part II in a series of five. See project index for related works.

Hans Tim Cessteu – synthetics
Tussi Schemante – synrhythm
Achim Stutessen – vocoder
Mischa Suttense – Lebende Regler
Sam »The Cute« Sins – data memo

Zeitzeichenorchester’s members are all anagrams of AT’s name; the same applies to cover artist Tina Tuschemess. Producer Rokko Ekbek is of course Okko Bekker.

09 Cinéma vérite (Andreas Hoffmann) – voice. »Cinéma vérite« being one of numerous pseudonyms of Andreas Hoffmann; see name index for other work. – The track was re-released as B 69.
11 The title (»Extinct hearts«) is some kind of answer to Michael Rother and his LP FLAMMENDE HERZEN (»Flaming hearts«, 1981).

The persons shown in the CD-booklet are Martin Peinemann (with 3-D-glasses) and Andreas Hoffmann.

Dense, dissonant »Pseudo-Pop« similar to AT’s other Sky releases; probably the best of the »Zeitzeichen«-albums.
