Du betrachtest gerade A 111 Soirée fantastique

A 111 Soirée fantastique

A 111 Soirée fantastique

aatp 57_300x300

aufabwegen • aatp57 • Germany 2016
500 copies

01 Soirée fantastique 1
02 Sydney Mantra
03 Soirée fantastique 2

On „Soirée fantastique“
Two pieces – unfocussed in every aspect – featuring blurring conmtours, spooled out harmonies and barely recogniozable melodies frame an extreme minimal, almost static pice ion teh centre. A piece of harsh, shrp-edges transparency. If this were not the music of a phantastic nightlyx gathering, a soirée fantastque, one could liken these sounds to be signifiers of the setting we name the soft core inside a hard shell – only in reverse. To know that this saying is as paradox as there cannot be a soft core might proof to be life-saving.
Asmus Tietchens
