Du betrachtest gerade Sonic Chair at mex exhibition

Sonic Chair at mex exhibition

The Sonic Chair will be part of the mexhibition „Ist das weg? Oder kann das Musik?“ hosted by mex at Künstlerhaus Dortmund. The exhibition runs from 13.10. – 18.11.2018 and includes works by Anna Schimkat, Jens Brand, Rolf Julius, Kallabris and more. The Sonic Chair is a specially designed piece of furniture with embededd loudspeakers for which unique listening programmes have been commissioned. The display will feature the four pieces curated by aufabwegen/Till Kniola for the Sonic Chair, the works are by international sound artists Artificial Memory Trace, Colin Potter, N and Das Synthetische Mischgewebe.

The location of the exhibition is:
Künstlerhaus Dortmund
Sunderweg 1
44147 Dortmund
Opening times: Thu.-Su. 16 – 19h