Du betrachtest gerade aufabwegen@KLANGZEIT, Münster

aufabwegen@KLANGZEIT, Münster

aufabwegen was invited to curate two nights of electronic weirdness at the KLANGZEIT event in Münster, Germany. Our nights will take place on 24th and 25th September 2021, starting each night at 21.30h. Venue is the beautiful Theater im Pumpenhaus at Gartenstr. 123, 48147 Münster. There will be concert performances by Jan Jelinek plays Ursula Bogner, Ana Fosca, Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg, Asmus Tietchens, Jetzmann and Anna Schimkat. Hope to see you there!

More info here: Night 1 – 24/09/2021

More info here: Night 2 – 25/09/2021